Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Who's The Host(est) With The Most(est)

It seems like the J93.3 T-Shirts For Turkeys is turning into a competition between the staff.  I'm blaming this on Rob Langer and Paige Long.  But you'll also notice that I'm not suggesting we stop "keeping score", since my first T-Shirts For Turkeys stop is still the top Turkey producer.  That would be this past Saturday at the Newnan Chic-fil-A Dwarf House when listeners donated 276 turkeys.

Rob brought in 212 turkeys in LaGrange
Yesterday afternoon listeners brought 212 turkeys to the LaFayette Pkwy Chic-fil-A in LaGrange.  Paige will be at the Charter Bank in Carrollton today from 11:30AM till 1:30PM.  She pulled a fast on us though.  Paige was speaking at the Bremen High School FCA meeting this morning and had the kids bringing turkeys there, thinking she could count them towards her total in Carrollton.  She has no shame!  Using children to run up her score.

Paige--pulling out all the stops in Carrollton
In the end it doesn't really matter which of us has turkey bragging rights.  What really matters is that together we're making a difference right here in our own communities and showing the love of Jesus in a very tangible way, by providing a nice Thanksgiving dinner for thousands of people who otherwise would go without this year.

Meet Shannon Steele
When J93.3 becomes The JOY FM on December 1 we'll be getting a new morning show, The Morning Cruise, and a new afternoon show with me and our newest staff addition, Shannon Steele.  Shannon and I will be on the air Monday through Friday from 3PM till 7PM.  You get a chance to meet Shannon on Thursday November 10.  She'll be hosting a T-Shirts For Turkeys stop at the Griffin Chic-fil-A Dwarf House from 4:30PM till 6:30PM.

Coming Up Friday
Friday is Veteran's Day.  We'll be giving you an opportunity to share your gratitude to our nation's veterans and active duty men and women on our Face Book page and on the air.

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