Wednesday, September 21, 2011

All The News That Fits

Remember when Walter Cronkite was the most trusted man in American news?

The late Walter Cronkite

This morning we asked "Where do you get your news?"  The responses we've received so far (they're still coming in on the J93.3 Face Book page) on the phone and Face Book show that J93.3 Morning Show listeners seem to favor the various outlets of Fox News, whether that's the local Atlanta Fox 5, cable's Fox News, or the Fox News website.  A full third of our responses cited Fox as their primary, and most trusted, source for news.

I was a little surprised by the second and third place sources, Face Book, with 18%, and "I don't watch/listen/read the news" with 14%.  Below are the responses, ranked in order of popularity.  Percentages equal slightly higher than 100% due to rounding.

  1. Fox News, 33%
  2. Face Book, 18%
  3. Don't watch/listen, 14%
  4. Online sources/do my own research, 11%
  5. Other, 7%
  6. CNN, 7%
  7. J93.3, 4%
  8. Talk Radio, 4%
  9. AJC (Atlanta Journal-Constitution) 4%
Cassie had a great comment on Face Book, "Our TV is turned to kiddie stations, so if it's not on Nick JR, I don't know about it."

Kelsey's been dropping in to help out on the J93.3 Morning Show.

Kelsey was in on the show again this morning.  She wanted me to thank you for all the kind comments you've had about her through phone calls and on Face Book.  We'll see you in the morning.

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